If you find yourself facing difficulties in life, and are open to receiving God’s love and grace through another person, a Stephen Minister can walk with you. Challenges like chronic illness, hospitalization, unemployment, relocation, loneliness, grief or the end of a relationship are just some of the struggles we can face. Our Stephen Ministers have received training to help and participate in ongoing continuing education. All care is confidential and supervised by Pastor Hetrick. Our care givers can provide care for you whether you are a member of Grace or the wider community. Contact leaders, Brenda Palmgren at bpalmgren@glcpa.org or Susan Hirth, at susanhirth@yahoo.com, or Pastor Hetrick at pastorhetrick@glcpa.org.
Rebecca Rabb serves as Grace’s Faith Community Nurse, overseeing our first aid kits and AED devices, offering health and wellness information and supportive listening. She communicates through our monthly newsletter and weekly news via email.
Includes home communion visits; Christmas caroling to the homebound; meals and support for those in need; card ministry; grief support and our Annual Service of Healing and “Night for Weary Hearts” for those struggling at the Christmas season. We also offer an Annual luncheon for those whose Grace family member has died in the past year.
Grace Lutheran Church & Preschool205 South Garner Street, State College, PA 16801 (814) 238-2478