Kids, Youth, & Young Adults

Kids, Youth, & Young Adults

Faith Formation Ministries support families as they nurture their kids' faith. If you have any questions please contact our Faith Formation team.




Age 0-4 years
Sunday Once a Month 10:00 am
Resource: Frolic First Bible

This family time provides opportunity for families of littles and their siblings to connect and share experiences as well as children to meet other families in a similar stage of life.  Parents and children experience age appropriate faith activities and learning together. A small interactive bible time anchors playtime and parent discussion.  Light snacks and coffee are available.


Age 3-5th grade
Sundays during 9:00 am Worship
Resource: Spark Story Bible

ECHO Sunday School supports both parents and children during worship. Following the Ministry Moment, children leave the worship space with leaders to sing, echo the Bible story, and play together. Children return to their parents at the sharing of the peace.


Grades 6-12
Sundays: 10:45 am
Resource: ELCA Faith Lens

Cafe Sunday School incorporates the emerging independence of tweens and teens by walking to one of our local coffee shops to sip and discuss the current ELCA Faith Lens Blog. The blog guides our discussion of world events, the gospel lesson, connecting it to everyday life, and how we begin to refine our personal view.


Grades 6-8
Sunday Once a Month

“Affirmation of Baptism,” known as confirmation, is an opportunity for tweens / teens to learn about what shapes our faith in order to assume the responsibility of their faith from the promises made by their parents, sponsors and congregation at  baptism. It is also an opportunity to grow in knowledge and appreciation of our faith and faith traditions.


Graces 8-12
Sunday Once a Month

Our youth group for high school students meets to share a meal, engage in lively discussion, enjoy fellowship, and participate in occasional service projects. Students also have the opportunity to participate in yearly summer Service Learning trips including the triennial ELCA Youth Gathering.


Post High School
Once a Month

Alongside the Lutheran Student Community activities, this bible study and fellowship time extends the familiarity of Grace Youth as they transition out of high school and remain connected to our faith community


Age 0 - Young Adult

Our Milestones Ministry accompanies members of our Grace family through the vital landmarks of their lives, celebrating milestones with events, activities, and physical representations of God’s presence. The milestones we celebrate and recognize with gifts during worship are birth, baptism, Holy Communion, and Affirmation of Baptism, receiving a new Bible, Confirmation, and graduation. Crosses, photos, Bibles, baby blankets and other items remind us that God is always with us.


Any age
Late October

This is designed to provide instructions and learn about the background of communion.

Grace Lutheran Church & Preschool
205 South Garner Street, State College, PA 16801
(814) 238-2478

Contact Church Contact Preschool
