Get Involved

Volunteering at School

Parents are a valued resource, whether they are sharing their talents and expertise or providing an extra set of hands. Typically we ask for help with staff appreciation events; fundraising; event hospitality; community outreach; class picture days; and field trips. All parents must provide all state-required clearances before volunteering. Teachers and aides are asked not to confer with parents during class, but rather to plan a visit or schedule a meeting outside of school hours. 

Required Clearances & Training

Pennsylvania laws require our school to have four clearances on file BEFORE you volunteer:

  • Pennsylvania Child Abuse certification
  • Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record check
  • FBI fingerprinting
    or a disclosure form in lieu of fingerprinting if you have lived in Pennsylvania for the past ten consecutive years (obtained from our school office). Clearances must be no older than 24 months when presented to our school and are valid for 60 months from the issue date. Fingerprinting results from the PA Department of Education are preferred. Individuals are responsible for paying fees to obtain their clearances.
  • National Sex Offender Registry
  • Free, online Mandated Reporter Training is strongly recommended

Classroom Grandparents

Some teachers request a ‘classroom grandparent’ to provide another loving heart, an extra set of experienced hands, or to read to students periodically in a classroom. These volunteer ‘grandparents’ must present the required federal and state clearances and receive training before volunteering in our school (see Required Clearances and Training, above). 

Grace Lutheran Church & Preschool
205 South Garner Street, State College, PA 16801
(814) 238-2478

Contact Church Contact Preschool
